Monday, June 1, 2015

Digital Chant Stand for iPad v3.0 now available!

Digital Chant Stand for iPad v3.0 is now available in the App Store!

As you probably know, in v2 we added subscriptions to help with the ongoing maintenance and development of the DCS app. In v3, basic functionality is once again free to use without subscription. We want to get the DCS app into as many hands as possible as we think it's a great resource. Please tell your friends, fellow parishioners, chanters and choir directors!

We have added new functionality for our subscribers:
  • Cache scores and audio files for offline use, with obvious indicator of file's status -- no more guessing!
  • Quickly browse all of a service's files via new Media popover -- no need to scroll through entire service to view and download files
  • File Manager to easily browse, access and delete cached files
  • Email audio files or open in another app
We have many ideas for future development (including the possibility of supporting iPhone). But we can't do it without your help! Please consider subscribing if you are not doing so already.

Thank you again to our current subscribers for their help in the ongoing development of the DCS app!


  1. Is there any thought of eventually supporting an Android app?

  2. Yes! We'd love to have an Android version of this but haven't been able to find the right app developer. If you have any leads, let us know!
